Nowadays, people are considering Synthetic Tablets over natural food for their significant source of nutrients. These Tablets can be beneficial for a short term but it ain’t gonna be for a long term benefit.
So, out of the many vitamins and minerals I have selected the 5 best method for taking vitamin naturally
- Magnesium
To naturally increase magnesium, consume a lot of green vegetables. Just as our blood is red because it has Hemoglobin, the green color of vegetables is due to chlorophyll whose central atom is magnesium. Pumpkin seeds and most of other nuts like almonds, cashew nuts, peanuts, etc are high in magnesium. Add pearl millet (bajra) and little millet (kutki) in the list of your grains to get that extra magnesium. The traditional recipe that increases magnesium, Dry roast the sesame seeds, coarsely grind them and mix them with jiggery powder to bind them into small pieces of balls, this is a sweet supplement that can beat most magnesium pills in the market.
2. Vitamin D
Sunlight is no doubt is the purest and ready absorbable form of vitamin D for the body, most people hardly expose more than 10% of their body in the sun. To get vitamin D from sun fast expose you’re naval and back for at least 5 minutes each regularly for few days and you will be amazed to see the results.
3. Glutathoine
Well simply keep your liver happy and will make the best glutathione possible. Sulfur rich foods like onions, garlic, curry leaves helps liver make glutathione faster. Research shows that having pomegranate daily increased glutathione production by a whopping 22% and vitamin C rich foods like orange, lemon, amla (Indian gooseberry), guava, capsicum and cabbage trigger glutathione production.
4. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) Blocker
If you just tap the root cause which is insulin resistance your body will make sure that the excess DHT is blocked. All you need to do is reduce the consumption of refined foods like refined grains, table sugar, refined oil, table salt, processed foods and switch to whole foods in general like whole grains, jiggery, cold pressed oils, rock salt, fruit and vegetables. Eventually your body will switch from “produce more DHT” to “block DHT” mode.
5. Sleeping pills
Melatonin is a hormone which your pineal gland naturally produces. But when you begin to take it from outside, it stops making it and then you get dependent on it. This externally consumed melatonin hormone might have side effects like mild anxiety, irritability, reduced alertness or disorientation. The science of melatonin is simple keep the lights off and pineal gland starts manufacturing it keep lights on and it stops making it. If you keep the gadgets away 1 hour before sleeping and make the room dark the highest quality melatonin would be produced without any side effect.
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